Concrete Calculator


Concrete Calculator 

Concrete calculator calculates volume of structural member, ingredients of concrete, Pre-mix bags of concrete.

concrete is a mixture of mainly four ingredients i.e cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water. In concrete, cement is used as a binding agent.

There are various options available for concrete source.
1.concrete making at site
2.pre-mix bags of concrete.

1.concrete making at site

Concrete is make on site by hand-mixing or using mixer machine. Use the mixer machine because it produces good quality of concrete than hand mixing concrete.

First we have to calculate the quantities of cement, sand and coarse aggregate for grades of concrete. There are different grades of  concrete available e.g M20, M15, M25.
Grade indicates ratio of mixing materials  i.e cement, sand and coarse aggregative.

How to calculate quantities of material for concrete

A) using concrete calculator
B) manual method

A) using concrete calculator

calculate the volume of structural member i.e beam, slab, footing etc. Concrete calculator gives you three options for calculating the volume.

Volume:you can directly enter the volume the member.

Rectangle: by using this option you can calculate the volume of rectangle member of structure like beam, footing, slab. You have to enter  length ,width and height in the input boxes of respective dimension.

Circular:by using this option you can calculate the volume circular structures. You have to enter diameter and height of member in respective input boxes.

Select the grade in calculater. Calculator have custom grade option also.Enter the custom grade ratios and get quantities of material.

After all value enters, you will get quantities of materials.

B)Manual method

Calculate volume. If structural  member is rectangle, then following is formula for volume.


If structural member is circular shape, volume is calculated by following formula.


Lets solve the problems.
Q. Calculate the quantities of material of M20 concrete for rectangular footing of dimensinon as follow.  length=3m, width=3m, height=1m.
a)calculate volume
v=3*3*1=9 cu.m
vo=v*dry volume concrete
Where vo=wet volume of concrete

1 cu.m wet volume concrete= (1.54 to 1.57) * 1 cu.m dry volume concrete

vo=v * dry volume concrete
vo=9 * 1.54;
vo=13.86 cu.m

b)M20 ratio is 1:1.5:3  i.e   cement=1, sand=1.5, coarse aggregate(CA)=3.
c) cement quantity=(cement/sum) * vo.
cement quantity=(1/5.5) * 13.86
cement quantity=
convert cubic meter to kg by multiplying with density.

cement density=1440 kg/cu.m
cement quantiy=.        *1440
cement quantity=

sand quantity=(sand/sum) * vo.
sand quantity=(1/5.5) * 13.86
sand quantity=

CA quantity=(CA/sum) * vo.
CA quantity=(1/5.5) * 13.86
CA quantity=

2.Pre-mix bags of concrete

These pre-mix bags comes in different weights i.e.40 pound ,60 pound, 80 pound etc

How to calculate quantity of pre-mix bags. 

1.By using concrete calculator:
Enter dimensions of structural member.
select pre-mix method. Then you will get numbers of bags.

2.By manualy:

Calculate the volume of structural member

Then multiply the volume by concrete density, you will get volume in weight.

Divide the weight by bag weight to get number of bags.

you will get numbers of bags

Q.Calculate the numbers of  pre-mix bags of weight 40lb and 80lb, for rectangular footing of dimensions are length=2m, width=2m, height=1m

 volume=length * width *height
 volume=2 * 2 *1
 volume= 4 cu.m

 lets take density of concrete 2130 kg/cu.m

 weight of concrete=4*2310
 weight of concrete=9240 kg

    multiply weight by 2.205 to convert kg to pound i.e 1 kg=2.205 pound.

weight of concrete=9240 * 2.205
weight of concrete=

 40lb=509 numbers.

 80lb=255 numbers