Steel Weight Calculator



Steel Weight Calculator

This calculator calculates weight and cost of steel bars used in construction.

Let consider steel bar has diameter 16 mm, length 12m , price 50 Rs/kg and quantity of bar is 25 nos.

weight calculator easily calculates that total weight of steel is 473 kg and total cost is 23700Rs

How to Calculate Weight of Steel bar

We can calculate weight of steel by formula D2*L/162.2

where 'D' is the diameter of bar in 'mm' and 'L' is the length of bar in 'meter'.

Lets know how formula was derived.

weight of steel bar=volume*density of steel.

lets take density of steel bar 7850 kg/m3

weight of steel bar=(3.14 *D2/4)*L*7850
 divide the 7850 by 1000000 to convert kg\m3 to gm/mm3

=(3.14 *D2/4)*L*(7850/(1000000))
example: calculate weight 16mm diameter and 12 m length of steel bar.  
weight of steel =D2*L/162.28
=18.86 kg