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Superelevation Calculator
superelevation calculator

Note: In below calculator,
1)we assumed plain and rolling terrain for which emax=0.07, fmax=0.15
2)we assumed mixed traffic for which f=o, x=75%

superelevation design


Raising outer edge of road with respect to inner edge is termed as superelevation. when vehicle is moving on curve road, then centrifugal force is try to push the vehicle away from the road. Thats why superelevation is provide to counteract the centrifugal force. Superelevation is calculated by different formulas as below

Superelevation formula

1) e =  Bv2/gR

e = superelevation

B = width of road in meter

v=speed of vehicle in m/s

g= acceleration due to gravity

R= radius of horizontal curve

2) e+f = v2/127R

e =rate of  superelevation in per meter

v=speed of vehicle in km/hr

R= radius of horizontal curve in meter

f= coefficient of friction

For mixed traffic  the f=0, velocity is taken 75%

e = (0.75V)2/127R = V2/225R

you can design superelevation by using the last calculator.

 Design procedure of superelevation

We are designing the superelevation for mixed traffic conditions for that we take velocity, 75% of design speed and lateral friction to zero.

Take the value of emax and fmax according to ground terrains. For example, if terrain is plain and rolling then emax = 0.07 and fmax= 0.15, emax and fmax value depend on terrain types.

emax = 0.07, fmax = 0.15

step 1)   calculate the superelevation

e = (0.75V)2/127R = V2/225R

emax = 0.07

if e emax   provide superelevation e.

if e > emax  , go for next step

step 2)  check for friction

take e = emax 

emax = 0.07

e+f = v2/127R

emax+f = v2/127R

f = (v2/127R) - emax

fmax = 0.15

if f fmax  then provide superelevation emax

f > fmax go for next step

step 3)  check for limiting speed Va

Take e = emax = 0.07

         f = fmax = 0.15

e+f = v2/127R

emax+fmax= Va2/127R

if Va V  provide superelevation emax

Va < V  provide superelevation emax and speed limit (Va) board on road.

How to design superelevation

Q. Design rate of superelevation for mixed traffic for horizontal road of radius of curve is 500m, speed  is 150 km/hr and terrain is plain and rolling.


R = 500m

V = 150 km/hr

For mixed traffic 

We take f = 0 and speed of vehicle is taken as 75%

for plain and rolling terrain

emax = 0.07, fmax= 0.15

step 1)  e = (0.75V)2/127R = V2/225R

e = 1502 / (225 × 500) =  0.2 per meter

emax = 0.07

e > emax  , go for next step

step 2)  check for friction

take e = emax 

e+f = v2/127R

emax+f = v2/127R

0.07 + f = 1502 / (127 × 500)

f =  0.28, fmax = 0.15

f > fmax go for next step

step 3)  check for limiting speed Va

Take e = emax

         f = fmax 

e+f = v2/127R

emax+fmax= v2/127R

0.07 + 0.15 = Va2 / (127 × 500)

Va = 118.19 km/hr

V = 150 km/hr

Va < V

For speed limit board on road of 118 km/hr